It has become a tradition of Roberts & Co, Attorneys at Law, for the staff and the law firm to donate to a charitable institution at the end of each year. The Care Project, located at the old Holberton Hospital compound, was selected as the charity to receive the Roberts & Company’s donation for the year 2018. The sum collected from members of staff was matched by Roberts & Co and was used to purchase as many as possible of the items on a list provided by the matron of the project.

Sir Clare K. Roberts, QC, Founding Partner of Roberts & Co, along with CEO/Administrator, Lady Alice Roberts, and four members of staff, Ms Melissa Davis, Ms Clovis Grant, Ms Nekisha Hazlewood and Mrs Amsha-Ann Pierre made the presentation to the Care Project. The donation was accepted by the Matron of the Care Project, Mrs Juliet De La Bastide, and the Operations Manager, Ms Shenneth Weathered. The Matron of the Care Project expressed her gratitude to Roberts & Co for the donation, stating that it was much needed and would go a long way. She lauded the generosity of the staff and the law firm and hoped that other organizations and indeed the public would follow the stellar example and support the Care Project. After the presentation, the Matron and Project Director conducted an eye-opening and heart-tugging tour of the facility.